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Malay to English

hasil carian: phoenix

Probably related to:
Malay English
a phoenix, phoenix takes, phoenixes, the phoenix,

English to English

('f/i/n/I/ks )

noun (n)

  • the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation
    negara terbesar dana dan south central city terletak di arizona; bertempat di bekas gurun itu telah menjadi makmur kawasan pengairan pertanian berkat
    source: wordnet30
  • a large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa
    besar monocotyledonous dari genus pinnate leaved tapak ditemui di asia dan afrika
    genus phoenix
    source: wordnet30
  • a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years
    yang legendaris arabian burung berkata kepada berkala membakar dirinya sendiri sampai mati dan muncul dari badai debu seperti baru phoenix; menurut kebanyakan versi satunya phoenix tinggal di sebuah waktu dan diperbaharui sendiri setiap 500 tahun
    source: wordnet30
  • a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor
    suatu konstelasi di belahan bumi selatan dekat dan pengukir namaconstellation name optional
    source: wordnet30