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Malay to English

hasil carian: minotaur

Probably related to:
Malay English
a minotaur, minotaurs, rear end of a minotaur, the minotaur, the minotaurs,

English to English

('m/I/n/@/,t/O/r )

noun (n)

  • (Greek mythology) a mythical monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man; slain by Theseus
    (mitologi yunani) mitos monster dengan kepala seorang bull dan tubuh seorang pria; dibunuh oleh theseus
    source: wordnet30
  • A fabled monster, half man and half bull, confined in the labyrinth constructed by Dædalus in Crete.
    sebuah berantah monster, setengah manusia dan setengah bull, terkurung di dalam labirin dibina oleh d& aelig; dalus di kreta.
    source: webster1913