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Malay to English

hasil carian: investment

Probably related to:
Malay English
an investment, investments, lnvestment,

English to English

(/I/n'v/E/stm/@/nt )

noun (n)

  • the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit
    tindakan pelaburan; meletakkan keluar duit atau modal dalam enterprise dengan harapan keuntungan
    source: wordnet30
  • money that is invested with an expectation of profit
    uang itu berinvestasi perkiraan yang keuntungan
    source: wordnet30
  • the commitment of something other than money (time, energy, or effort) to a project with the expectation of some worthwhile result
    komitmen dari sesuatu selain uang (waktu, energi, atau usaha) untuk projek a dengan harapan beberapa hasil yang berguna
    This job calls for the investment of some hard thinking.
    He made an emotional investment in the work.
    source: wordnet30
  • outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
    lapisan luar atau meliputi dari organ atau bahagian atau organisme
    source: wordnet30
  • the act of putting on robes or vestments
    tindakan memakai jubah atau vestments
    source: wordnet30
  • the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office; the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank
    upacara bertindak pakaian seseorang lambang dari kantor; the formal promosi dari seseorang ke kantor atau pangkat
    source: wordnet30
  • The act of investing, or the state of being invested.
    tindakan pelaburan, atau keadaan menjadi investasi.
    source: webster1913