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Malay to English

hasil carian: hornet

Probably related to:
Malay English
hornet guy, hornet is, hornet sends, hornet thing, hornet yeah, the hornet,

English to English

('h/O/rn/I/t )

noun (n)

  • large stinging paper wasp
    kertas tawon menyengat besar
    source: wordnet30
  • A large, strong wasp. The European species (Vespa crabro) is of a dark brown and yellow color. It is very pugnacious, and its sting is very severe. Its nest is constructed of a paperlike material, and the layers of comb are hung together by columns. The American white-faced hornet (V. maculata) is larger and has similar habits.
    yang besar, kuat tebuan. eropa spesies (aku crabro vespa/ aku) adalah seorang yang coklat gelap dan warna kuning. ini sangat pugnacious, dan sengatannya sangat parah. its sarang sudah bangun dari sebuah paperlike materi, dan lapisan sisir yang hung bersama secara menegak. amerika white faced hornet (aku v. maculata/ aku) lebih besar dan punya kebiasaan serupa.
    source: webster1913