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hasil carian: flare

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Malay English
a flare goes, flare goes, flares, got flares, the flares, these flares, those flares,

English to English

(fl/(@)/r )

noun (n)

  • a shape that spreads outward
    bentuk luaran itu menyebar
    The skirt had a wide flare.
    source: wordnet30
  • a sudden burst of flame
    tujahan dari api
    source: wordnet30
  • a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
    satu ledakan cahaya digunakan untuk berkomunikasi atau menerangi
    source: wordnet30
  • reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation
    reddening dari kulit tersebar di luar dari berfokus infeksi atau kegatalan
    source: wordnet30
  • a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms
    tiba pengulangan atau rosot dari gejala
    A colitis flare.
    Infection can cause a lupus flare.
    source: wordnet30
  • a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference
    tiba dari letusan intens high energy radiasi dari permukaan matahari; dikaitkan dengan gangguan sunspots dan radio
    solar flare
    source: wordnet30
  • am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)
    aku tak diinginkan refleksi dalam satu sistem optik (atau fogging imej itu disebabkan oleh seperti bayangan)
    source: wordnet30
  • a sudden outburst of emotion
    tiba beludak emosi
    She felt a flare of delight.
    She could not control her flare of rage.
    source: wordnet30
  • a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification
    alat yang menghasilkan cahaya terang untuk peringatan atau penerangan atau identifikasi
    source: wordnet30
  • a short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines
    jalan maju lulus untuk kembali yang sedang berjalan menuju pinggiran
    He threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss.
    flare pass
    source: wordnet30
  • (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield
    (baseball) lalat bola memukul jarak pendek ke outfield
    source: wordnet30
  • An unsteady, broad, offensive light.
    sebuah goyah, lebar, ofensif cahaya.
    source: webster1913
  • Leaf of lard.
    daun berisi lemak babi.
    source: webster1913
  • A defect in a photographic objective such that an image of the stop, or diaphragm, appears as a fogged spot in the center of the developed negative.
    cacat dalam fotografi objektif seperti bahwa gambar dari berhenti, atau diafragma, muncul sebagai fogged spot di tengah mengembangkan negatif.
    source: webster1913

verb (v)

  • burn brightly
    membakar cerah
    Every star seemed to flare with new intensity.
    source: wordnet30
  • become flared and widen, usually at one end
    menjadi flared dan memperluas, biasanya berakhir dengan satu
    The bellbottom pants flare out.
    flare out
    source: wordnet30
  • shine with a sudden light
    bersinar dengan cahaya tiba
    The night sky flared with the massive bombardment.
    source: wordnet30
  • erupt or intensify suddenly
    meletus atau memperamatkan tiba
    Tempers flared at the meeting.
    source: wordnet30
  • To burn with an unsteady or waving flame; as, the candle flares.
    terbakar dengan satu goyah atau melambai flame; sebagai, aku menyalakan lilin/ aku.
    source: webster1913