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hasil carian: progressive

Probably related to:
English Malay
berlekuk, bertingkat tingkat naik, progresif,

English to English

(pr/@/'gr/E/s/I/v )

adjective (a)

  • favoring or promoting progress
    favoring atau mempromosikan kemajuan
    Progressive schools.
    source: wordnet30
  • (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate increases as the amount of income increases
    (dari pajak) disesuaikan supaya kadar sebagai meningkatkan jumlah pendapatan meningkat
    source: wordnet30
  • Moving forward; proceeding onward; advancing; evincing progress; increasing; as, progressive motion or course; -- opposed to retrograde.
    bergerak maju; menuju ke depan; maju; evincing kemajuan; meningkat; sebagai, aku progresif/ aku gerakan atau kursus; - - menentang aku retrograde/ aku.
    source: webster1913
  • Of or pertaining to the Progressive party.
    dari yang mendukung atau parti progresif.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

adjective satellite (s)

  • favoring or promoting reform (often by government action)
    favoring atau mempromosikan reformasi (sering oleh pemerintah aksi)
    source: wordnet30
  • gradually advancing in extent
    bertahap maju dalam keluasan
    source: wordnet30
  • (of a card game or a dance) involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position
    (dari permainan kartu atau dansa) melibatkan serangkaian seksyen yang mana peserta beriringan tukar posisi tempat atau relatif
    Progressive euchre.
    Progressive tournaments.
    source: wordnet30
  • advancing in severity
    maju dalam kekerasan
    Progressive paralysis.
    source: wordnet30