Malay to English Translator
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English to Malay

hasil carian: merciful

Probably related to:
English Malay
belas kasihan, berbelas kasih, berbelaskasihan, bermurah hati, dan penyayang, maha ampun, pemaaf, pengampun, penuh belas kasih, penyayang, yang baik hati,

English to English

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adjective (a)

  • showing or giving mercy
    tunjuk atau memberi rahmat
    Sought merciful treatment for the captives.
    A merciful god.
    source: wordnet30
  • Full of mercy; having or exercising mercy; disposed to pity and spare offenders; unwilling to punish.
    penuh rahmat; memiliki belas kasihan atau berolahraga; bersedia kasihan dan ampuni pelanggaran; enggan menghukum.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • (used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious
    (digunakan conventionally bangsawan dan tinggi bangsawan) pemurah
    Our merciful king.
    source: wordnet30