Malay to English Translator
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English to Malay

hasil carian: could achieve was a lie

Automatic Translation:
English Malay
could achieve was a lie
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Word by word match:
English Malay
could achieve was a
capai itu satu,
akan berkata dusta, balaslah, baring, berbaring tidur, berbaring, berbohong berdusta, berbohong demi dirimu, berbohong, berbohonglah yang, berbohonglah, berdemonstrasi, berdusta, berkata dusta, bohong kepadamu, bohong kok, bohong, bohongan, dusta, hrs berbohong, kasihi mati, kebohongan, kepalsuan, memang menipu hampir, payahlah tipu, pembohongan, penipuan yang, pernah berbohong, pura pura mati, puraan, sekamar lagi, terbentang,