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('sl/i/z/i/ )

adjective (a)

  • Wanting firmness of texture or substance; thin; flimsy; as, sleazy silk or muslin.
    ketetapan dari tekstur atau kekurangan zat; tipis; tipis; sebagai, aku curang/ aku sutera atau kain kasa.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • of cloth; thin and loosely woven
    dari kain; kurus dan serau
    The coat has a sleazy lining.
    source: wordnet30
  • of very poor quality; flimsy
    yang sangat kualitas; tipis
    source: wordnet30
  • morally degraded
    moral direndahkan
    Sleazy characters hanging around casinos.
    Sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls.
    source: wordnet30