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(r/oU/'z/eI/ )

noun (n)

  • any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses
    ada banyak shrubs dari genus rosa beruang itu mawar
    source: wordnet30
  • pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began
    pinkish meja anggur dari anggur merah yang telah dibuang kulit setelah penapaian dimulai
    source: wordnet30
  • a dusty pink color
    sebuah dusty warna pink
    source: wordnet30
  • A flower and shrub of any species of the genus Rosa, of which there are many species, mostly found in the morthern hemispere
    bunga dan pohon yang rendah dari setiap spesies dari genus saya rosa/ aku, yang ada banyak spesies, kebanyakan ditemui di pusat morthern hemispere
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • of something having a dusty purplish pink color
    sesuatu mengalami dusty keungu unguan warna pink
    The roseate glow of dawn.
    rosaceous, roseate
    source: wordnet30

verb (v)

  • To render rose-colored; to redden; to flush.
    menjumpai rose colored; untuk redden; untuk mengepam.
    source: webster1913