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('fl/O/r/I/n )

noun (n)

  • the basic unit of money in Suriname; equal to 100 cents
    asas kesatuan uang di surinamename; sama dengan 100 sen
    guilder, gulden
    source: wordnet30
  • formerly the basic unit of money in the Netherlands; equal to 100 cents
    dulunya asas unit uang di belanda; sama dengan 100 sen
    source: wordnet30
  • A silver coin of Florence, first struck in the twelfth century, and noted for its beauty. The name is given to different coins in different countries. The florin of England, first minted in 1849, is worth two shillings, or about 48 cents; the florin of the Netherlands, about 40 cents; of Austria, about 36 cents.
    perak koin florence, melanda di twelfth abad pertama, dan terkemuka keindahannya. nama diberikan kepada berbeda koin di negara berbeda. the florin inggris, pertama dalam minted 1849, bernilai dua shilling, atau tentang 48 sen; the florin dari belanda, sekitar 40 sen; dari austria, tentang 36 sen.
    source: webster1913