Malay to English Translator
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English to English

('/i/vz,dr/A/p )

noun (n)

  • The water which falls in drops from the eaves of a house.
    air yang jatuh turun dari cucur atap rumah.
    source: webster1913

verb (v)

  • listen without the speaker's knowledge
    dengar tanpa pengetahuan speaker
    The jealous man was eavesdropping on his wife's conversations.
    listen in
    source: wordnet30
  • To stand under the eaves, near a window or at the door, of a house, to listen and learn what is said within doors; hence, to listen secretly to what is said in private.
    untuk berdiri di bawah cucur atap, di dekat jendela atau di pintu, di sebuah rumah, untuk mendengar dan belajar apa yang dikatakan di dalam rumah; maka, untuk menguping yang kata secara pribadi.
    source: webster1913