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(dr/AU/n )

verb (v)

  • cover completely or make imperceptible
    menutupi sepenuhnya atau membuat kelihatan
    I was drowned in work.
    The noise drowned out her speech.
    source: wordnet30
  • get rid of as if by submerging
    menyingkirkan seolah olah dengan submerging
    She drowned her trouble in alcohol.
    source: wordnet30
  • die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating
    mati dari yang ampuh, mengambil air di paru, dan asphyxiating
    The child drowned in the lake.
    source: wordnet30
  • kill by submerging in water
    membunuh dengan submerging dalam air
    He drowned the kittens.
    source: wordnet30
  • be covered with or submerged in a liquid
    dibahas dengan atau terendam dalam cairan
    source: wordnet30
  • To be suffocated in water or other fluid; to perish in water.
    menjadi tercekik di air atau cairan lain; untuk binasa dalam air.
    source: webster1913
  • To overwhelm in water; to submerge; to inundate.
    untuk membanjiri dalam air; tenggelam; untuk mengairi.
    source: webster1913