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(bl/A/k )

noun (n)

  • a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)
    tegar sepotong sesuatu (biasanya memiliki datar berbentuk segi empat sisi)
    The pyramids were built with large stone blocks.
    source: wordnet30
  • a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings
    sebuah kawasan segi empat tepat di kota dikelilingi oleh jalanan dan biasanya mengandungi beberapa bangunan
    He lives in the next block.
    city block
    source: wordnet30
  • a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides
    sebuah three dimensional bentuk segiempat atau segi empat tepat dengan enam sisi
    source: wordnet30
  • a number or quantity of related things dealt with as a unit
    nombor atau jumlah berkaitan hal berurusan dengan sebagai satu unit
    He reserved a large block of seats.
    He held a large block of the company's stock.
    source: wordnet30
  • housing in a large building that is divided into separate units
    perumahan dalam sebuah bangunan besar itu dibagi menjadi terpisah unit
    There is a block of classrooms in the west wing.
    source: wordnet30
  • (computer science) a sector or group of sectors that function as the smallest data unit permitted
    (ilmu komputer) sebuah sektor atau kumpulan di sektor itu fungsi sebagai terkecil data unit dibenarkan
    Since blocks are often defined as a single sector, the terms `block' and `sector' are sometimes used interchangeably.
    source: wordnet30
  • an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do; often caused by emotional tension
    yang mampu mengingat atau memikirkan sesuatu kau normal bisa melakukannya; sering disebabkan oleh emosional ketegangan
    I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block.
    mental block
    source: wordnet30
  • a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope
    sederhana mesin consisting dari roda dengan groove di mana tali bisa mengubah atau lari ke arah sudut penerapan kekuatan diterapkan pada tali
    source: wordnet30
  • a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine
    baja casting yang menyimpan silinder dan saluran dari mesin pendingin
    The engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked.
    source: wordnet30
  • an obstruction in a pipe or tube
    obstruksi dalam pipa atau tiub
    We had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe.
    source: wordnet30
  • a platform from which an auctioneer sells
    platform yang mana seorang dari pelelang menjual
    They put their paintings on the block.
    auction block
    source: wordnet30
  • the act of obstructing or deflecting someone's movements
    tindakan menghalangi atau deflecting seseorang gerakan
    source: wordnet30
  • A piece of wood more or less bulky; a solid mass of wood, stone, etc., usually with one or more plane, or approximately plane, faces; as, a block on which a butcher chops his meat; a block by which to mount a horse; children's playing blocks, etc.
    sepotong kayu lebih kurang gabuk; tegar massa dari kayu, batu, dll. , biasanya dengan satu atau lebih pesawat, atau sekitar pesawat, wajah; sebagai, aku blok/ aku yang tukang daging pangang dagingnya; aku blok/ aku dengan mana untuk menunggang kuda; anak aku bermain blok/ aku, dll.
    source: webster1913
  • In Australia, one of the large lots into which public land, when opened to settlers, is divided by the government surveyors.
    di australia, salah satu besar banyak tanah ke yang umum, ketika membawa peneroka, dibagi oleh pemerintah surveyors.
    source: webster1913

verb (v)

  • render unsuitable for passage
    render tak cocok untuk perjalanan
    Block the way.
    source: wordnet30
  • hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
    menghalang atau mencegah perkembangan atau prestasi dari
    His brother blocked him at every turn.
    source: wordnet30
  • stop from happening or developing
    berhenti daripada berlaku atau mengembangkan
    Block his election.
    halt, kibosh, stop
    source: wordnet30
  • interfere with or prevent the reception of signals
    mengganggu atau mencegah resepsi dari sinyal
    Block the signals emitted by this station.
    source: wordnet30
  • run on a block system
    berjalan di blok sistem
    Block trains.
    source: wordnet30
  • interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia
    mengganggu fungsi normal dari melalui anestesi
    Block a nerve.
    Block a muscle.
    source: wordnet30
  • shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight
    menutup keluar dari pandangan atau menghalang sehingga bersembunyi dari pandangan
    The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage.
    source: wordnet30
  • stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block
    cap atau memahat tajuk atau reka bentuk pada buku dengan satu blok
    Block the book cover.
    source: wordnet30
  • obstruct
    Her arteries are blocked.
    choke up, lug, stuff
    loosen up, unstuff
    source: wordnet30
  • block passage through
    blokir jalan melalui
    source: wordnet30
  • support, secure, or raise with a block
    sokongan, amankan, atau menaikkan dengan satu blok
    Block a plate for printing.
    Block the wheels of a car.
    source: wordnet30
  • impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)
    menghambat gerakan (lawan atau bola)
    Block an attack.
    deflect, parry
    source: wordnet30
  • be unable to remember
    dapat mengingatnya
    You are blocking the name of your first wife!.
    source: wordnet30
  • shape by using a block
    bentuk dengan menggunakan satu blok
    Block a hat.
    Block a garment.
    source: wordnet30
  • shape into a block or blocks
    bentuk ke blok atau blok
    Block the graphs so one can see the results clearly.
    source: wordnet30
  • prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
    melarang penukaran atau penggunaan (aset)
    Blocked funds.
    source: wordnet30
  • To obstruct so as to prevent passage or progress; to prevent passage from, through, or into, by obstructing the way; -- used both of persons and things; -- often followed by up; as, to block up a road or harbor.
    untuk menghalangi sehingga menghalang laluan atau kemajuan; untuk mencegah perjalanan dari, melalui, atau ke, oleh menghalangi jalan; - - berdua orang biasa dan semuanya; - - aku sering diikuti oleh up/ aku; sebagai, aku ke blok/ aku di jalan atau harbor.
    source: webster1913