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(b/@/'l/i/n )

noun (n)

  • a horny material from the upper jaws of certain whales; used as the ribs of fans or as stays in corsets
    sebuah horny materi dari atas jaws of tertentu paus; digunakan sebagai tulang rusuk fans atau sebagai tetap di korset
    source: wordnet30
  • Plates or blades of "whalebone," from two to twelve feet long, and sometimes a foot wide, which in certain whales (Balænoidea) are attached side by side along the upper jaw, and form a fringelike sieve by which the food is retained in the mouth.
    piringan atau blades of" tulang, " dari dua belas meter, dan terkadang kaki lebar, yang di tertentu paus (aku bal& aelig; noidea/ aku) yang melekat bersebelahan bersama atas rahang, dan bentuk fringelike saring dengan mana makanan dikekalkan di mulut.
    source: webster1913