Malay to English Translator
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English to Malay

hasil carian: immunity

Probably related to:
English Malay
daya keimunan, imunitas, imuniti, kebal, kekalisan, kekebalan hukum, kekebalan, perlindungan, yang kebal,

English to English

(/I/'m/j//u/n/I/t/i/ )

noun (n)

  • the state of not being susceptible
    negara tidak menjadi susceptible
    source: wordnet30
  • (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
    (obat) kondisi di mana makhluk dapat melawan penyakit
    source: wordnet30
  • the quality of being unaffected by something
    kualiti menjadi terpengaruh oleh sesuatu
    Immunity to criticism.
    source: wordnet30
  • an act exempting someone
    tindakan exempting seseorang
    He was granted immunity from prosecution.
    source: wordnet30
  • Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy.
    kebebasan atau pembebasan dari segala tuduhan, tugas, kewajiban, kantor, pajak, pembebanan, hukuman, atau perkhidmatan; keistimewaan tertentu; sebagai, i immunities/ aku of the free cities dari jerman; i immunities/ aku dari ulama.
    source: webster1913
  • The state of being insusceptible to poison, the contagion of disease, etc.
    keadaan menjadi insusceptible meracuni, wabah penyakit, dll.
    source: webster1913